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I and my friends visited Whistler year-end 2015, to skiing and snowboarding. I stayed several days and did backcountry skiing after my friends went home earlier, because I wanted see and ski all over. The daytime temprature in this area is always degree below zero, so the feeling of snow is different from Japan, it has bigger crystal form but it is easy to break. My interest in cold region becomes more storng. A lot of traditional native american's cultute such as totem pole remains in British colombia state, so I wanna visit in summer season to see their culture. I‘m interested in their original painting and way of thiking about nature. They never against nature. 


inside glacier
fissle peak
BC skier
BC skier
BC skier
extreme slope
from ridge
inside glacier
trace traverse
whistler ski resort
view from Mt. whistler
Squamish town
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